Bed bugs have made a huge comeback in the Toronto area after being absent for many years. The adult bed bug is oval shaped, 3/16 inch long, and a rusty brown color. The bed bug is completely flat but becomes elongated as it fills with blood.
A female bed bug may deposit 1 to 5 eggs per day and may lay a total of 300-500 eggs within her lifetime. Their eggs are 1 mm long and slightly bent. They are often deposited in clusters and attached to cracks, crevices or rough surfaces near adult dwellings. The female bed bug produces a clear, sticky substance that she uses to attach each egg to the chosen surface. Eggs hatch in 7 to 12 days depending on the conditions. There are 5 stages before a nymph bed bug reaches full maturity - each stage requires a blood feeding. This process takes approximately 4 weeks. Adult bed bugs can survive for up to one year without a blood meal.
Bed bugs hide in cracks and crevices during the day and will leave its harborage area at night to feed on its host. Bed bugs can be found in any environment that humans occupy, clean or dirty this pest has no preference. Bed bugs are transported by people as we travel, bed bugs hitch a ride in furniture, luggage and possibly on our clothing. Once bed bugs are introduced into a building they will multiply quickly. In most cases, Bed bugs will be closely associated with the bed and surrounding objects such as headboards and end tables. However, bedbugs can travel 10 to 100 feet for a blood meal, and will disperse to more remote areas as the infestation grows.
A bed bug infestation is very complex and will require the help
of a professional exterminator. In order to control Bed Bug effectively,
we use multiple control methods such as steaming, in combination with
residual insecticide treatment instead of relying on just one.
Proper preparation is critical for effective treatment; areas that
are not properly prepared should not be treated, as it is generally
a waste of time and money.
Control of bed bug infestations will require a professional exterminator.