The German cockroach is one of the most commonly encountered species infesting Toronto, readily infesting houses, apartments, restaurants and other institutions throughout Toronto and the GTA. German cockroaches grow to 1/2-5/8 inches long when mature, are light brown to tan in color, and have fully developed wings. The shield-like segment located behind the head has two dark parallel bars on it.
The German female cockroach carries an egg capsule containing approximately 40 eggs which she drops prior to hatching. Development from eggs to adults takes three to four months and cockroaches live up to a year. The female may produce up to eight egg cases in her lifetime. An infestation of cockroaches can number in the thousands.
They are active mostly at night, and hide in dark crevices during the day. Their habitat is around sinks, behind stoves and refrigerators, in drains and cracks. If German cockroaches are seen during the day, the population may be high and the available harborage is full, or food and moisture are in short supply resulting in daytime foraging. German cockroaches prefer to stay close to moisture and food and are generally found in the kitchens and bathrooms but will live anywhere inside heated structures in which there is food, water, and harborage.
An effective cockroach program depends on good sanitation
to eliminate the food, water and harborage. Due to the nature
of cockroaches, control is a process requiring intensive product
knowledge and a professional should be consulted for complete elimination.
There are two equally effective methods for eliminating cockroach
infestations. The use of commercial gel bait will completely eliminate
roach infestation. This product is a stomach poison and is consumed by
the roaches, it is highly effective however may take 4-6 weeks to
achieve complete control. Benefits of the bait treatment include:
no preparation required, safe for infants and pets, no need
to vacate during treatment.
The alternative method is to spray using residual insecticides.
A spray treatment will provide very quick results and usually only
take about a week to completely eliminate infestations.
Preparation for this treatment will include emptying all
kitchen cupboards and bathroom vanities, and vacating the
premises for a minimum of 4 hours.